A book that could change your life

The Core of Happiness, is a Canadian novel about four happiness seekers who meet weekly with Max, the baker, to gain insight into what makes people happy.

People remember stories and learn well from stories. So this is the story of happiness.

Without giving away the ending, it turns out that one of the secrets to living a happy life is learning to understand that happiness without sadness is like satiety with hunger. In a word, you can't enjoy a good meal if you're never hungry...and you can't experience happiness if you're never sad.


Upcoming Projects


The Core of Happiness Workbook is a companion project to help individuals practically apply their newfound skills to their own life.

It is a workbook that takes the theories and principles presented in The Core of Happiness novel, and utilizes questions to personally guide the reader to develop their own roadmap to greater peace, contentment, and happiness.

More Upcoming Projects!

Exciting news

The final golden nugget of The Core of Happiness is a chapter that outlines a revolutionary, highly practical approach to dealing with uncomfortable emotions.

Sister company MindCare will be releasing a series of online courses to help you readily understand and accurately process your emotions. Instead of bottling or suppressing your negative emotions, you'll learn how to effectively integrate difficult emotions in a natural way. Better health, greater contentment, and better relationships are in store. Do not miss this!

Visit EmotionMadeSimple.Com, AngerMadeSimple.com & MindCare.Quest


Psychology Quest

The private practice of Dr. Rudy Wietfeldt, a partner company of R & L Quest, LLC


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